Why choosing MERN Stack for Ecommerce Development
Flexible architecture of MERN offer enhanced speed for data retrieval and flexibility in deployments that makes them a perfect fit for e-commerce development.
Why choosing React Native Mobile App for Ecommerce Development
Looking around, on-demand React Native E-commerce apps are ruling everywhere. With each passing day, usage of e-commerce mobile apps is increasing at a rapid pace especially during this epidemic, and keeps expanding with innovative mobile apps.
Why choosing Microservices Architecture for Ecommerce Development
A microservices architecture is used to create ecommerce applications as an assembly of separate components, or microservices, connected via REST APIs. Multiple user interfaces can be built using the same microservices on the back end.
Why choosing Deep Learning for Image Classification
Image recognition is one of the tasks in which deep neural networks (DNNs) excel. Neural networks are computing systems designed to recognize patterns. Their architecture is inspired by the human brain structure, hence the name.